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An Abstract of My Speaking

I deliver impactful keynotes divided in two categories: 


1. Thought Leadership explores the application of wisdom to perspective for navigating life's challenges. It contains esoteric and applicable elements that audiences can take from. Resilience and perseverance are key elements included in this category that draw from my personal journey to inspire the audience. 


2. Entrepreneurship & Marketing explores the world of social media and influencer marketing. I share insights on managing creators and athletes, highlighting the significance of leveraging influencers for businesses on social media. I also speak upon my personal entrepreneurial journey, the transition and the key lessons I have taken away from the experience. 


These dynamic talks cater to diverse audiences, spanning corporations, schools, the general public, and athletes, offering valuable perspectives and inspiration that can be universally drawn from. 


"Maher is a once in a generation soul. Present at the wonder of life. Honest in the daily hustle. Generous in his care for others. Brace in sharing truths."

- Ray Villarica, Western Sydney University

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