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"Born in Sydney, Australia, my journey began with humble origins. Adversity soon became a catalyst for my transformation. At the age of 9, my father lost his job, plunging our family into financial struggles. Yet, from this crucible, I developed self-reliance and resourcefulness from an early age.

As life presented challenges, I found myself navigating both corporate work and the shadows of a life of crime. Faced with a major crossroad at the age of 20, the pursuit of change led me to the United States, where I experienced the kaleidoscope of living in LA, New York City, and Miami over the next decade. I encountered moments of despair and success, from living in my car to working with the most successful athletes. The hardships forged my resilience.

New York, a city of dreams, dealt me a blow when I lost my job. Instead of defeat, I found the spiritual lesson, and seized the opportunity to birth my own enterprise. The initial failure was a stepping stone, a professor of life lessons. It paved the way for my second venture - initially a side hustle managing influencers, athletes, and creators.

This pivot marked a turning point. From making zero dollars in 2020, I rose to generate half a million in 2021. The journey, marked by tenacity and joy, taught me that setbacks are setups for comebacks. I've slept in many corners, faced job loss,  and weathered business failures, but through it all, I've cultivated an unyielding spirit, turning challenges into stepping stones toward success.
My story is a testament to the transformative power of resilience, perseverance, patience, and finding joy in the journey. Now, as a speaker, I share my narrative to inspire others to embrace challenges and turn their dreams into reality."
I give credit to 50 cent's “Hustle Harder, Hustle Smarter”. Don’t let anybody put you in a bucket. It’s such a great book man. His experience is so valuable and the fact that he shared it is even better. The minute I feel like somebody is putting me in a bucket, well I’m going to do something that takes me right out of that bucket. Now you're looking at me confused.

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