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Keynote Presentations

In my 2019 keynote at Western Sydney University, I shared my journey of chasing dreams, leveraging university for an overseas career. Success strategies included goal lists, discipline, 5 am starts, and learning through curiosity.

"There is always an opportunity for those who seek it. There is always a reward at the end for those who really work hard. You might have to go through a lot to get there, but once you get there it’s a great place to look back from. It’s like putting in a daily deposit to the bank. It’s hard work every day that really pays."

"Ask why. When you continue to ask why, you’ re going to find out what that person doesn’t know. That’s your opportunity to excel."


Get to Know Maher

"Something (in my head) said, you went to L.A for college and you made it there. Somebody gave you a place to stay for 7 weeks, and you just came back. And here you are wanting to go back.


It hit me, and I thought to myself “What the hell have you done for somebody else for you to deserve that? What have you given back, or paid forward for everything you have already received, to deserve what you want.”

"Thank you for sharing your journey so far and I must say it has been an inspiration to watch it develop over the years. Your perseverance, hard work and positive mindset should not only inspire those coming from similar situations in life but I truly believe there are key lessons that everyone could take away from this to help them not only strive to do better but to ultimately reach their full potential"


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